2559 Buddha Jayanti /Baishak purnima puja programme’s donors name
२५५९ बुद्ध जयन्ति तथा बैशक पुर्णिमा पूजा कार्यक्रम मा तमु समाज यु के का आमा समूह र स्रधेया लामा गुरु हरु हेरो बोरो मा। Treasurer’s Report Dear Chairman, Executive Committee Members, Advisers, Ama Samuha, Members, Youth Members & Well-wishers, Many thanks to Amah Samuha of Tamu Samaj UK for successfully accomplishing a high atmosphere with …

तमु धि का संरक्षकको स्वागतमा तमु समाजको कार्यक्रम
लण्डन । लण्डनस्थित तमु समाज यूकेले तमु धि नेपालका संरक्षक मे रि लक्ष्मीप्रसाद गुरुंगलाई एक कार्यक्रम गरी लण्डनमा स्वागत गरेको छ । दुई साताअघि बेलायत आएका गुरुंगको स्वागतार्थ तमु समाजले आइतबार ह्यारोस्थित एभरेष्ट लंगमा सो कार्यक्रम आयोजना गरेको थियो । संरक्षक गुरुंगको सम्मान तथा नेपालमा भुकम्पपछिको अवस्था र राहत वितरणका प्रक्रियाबारे अन्तरक्रिया गर्ने उद्धेश्यले कार्यक्रम …

Nepal Earthquake Victims Donation Collection updated List of Donors as of 04 June 2015
Mr. Udaya Gurung -Treasurer Tamu Samaj UK has been working extremely hard to ensure an updated donation figures for the Nepal earthquake victims are publish regularly: Dear Chairman, Executive Committee Members, Advisers, Amah Samuha, Members, Youth Members & Well-wishers, Thank you for showing your support towards this worthy cause and those who are encouraging …

Tamu Samaj UK’s first phase of Earthquake relief support in Nepal.
Mr. Shivachandra Gurung – Vice Chairman Tamu Samaj UK Tamu Samaj UK’s Vice chairman Mr. Shivachandra Gurung has travelled to Nepal on 3rd June 2015 to distribute aid for victims of earthquake in Nepal. Tamu Samaj UK will be working alongside Nepal Red Cross Society (Pokhara Branch) to distribute vital relief supplies. The …

Help for Nepal ( Nepal Earthquake Victims Donation Collection updated List of Donors as of 02 June 2015.
Dear Chairman, Executive Committee Members, Advisers, Amah Samuha, Members, Youth Members & Well-wishers, Thank you for showing your support towards this worthy cause and those who are encouraging their families, friends and colleagues to donate. Our thoughts remain with those affected by this tragedy. Also, many thanks to the volunteers of Tamu Samaj UK (TSUK) for …