बेलायतमा बस्ने नेपालीहरुको सहयोगमा धारा निर्माण
बेलायतमा बस्ने नेपालीहरुको सहयोगमा धारा निर्माण आस गुरुङ (बाबु) २३ माघ, लमजुङ – उत्तरी लमजुङ घेर्मु स्थिति उपल्लो चिप्लाका बासिन्दाहरुलाई बेलायतमा बसोबास गर्दै आएका नेपालीहरुले पानीको धारा निर्माण गरिदिएका छन् । २०७२ सालको भूकम्प र बर्षपिच्छे जाने पहिरोको त्रासले विस्थापित भएका उक्त गाउँ विगत १५ बर्ष देखी जाने गरेको पहिरो त्यसमाथि पनि भूकम्प पछि झनै …

Congratulation to Mr. Ram Chandra Gurung and Mrs. Uma Gurung
Many Congratulation to Ram Chandra Gurung (Advisor Tamu Samaj UK) and Mrs. Uma Gurung. During their recent trip to Nepal, Mr. Ram Chandra Gurung (Advisor) and Mrs. Uma Gurung were awarded The Best Sahara Club award by the Sahara Club Pokhara, Nepal. It was an award to honour both their selfless dedication and never-ending support …

Tamu Samaj UK’s Post Lhochhar Party Meeting and Cultural Dance Team Appreciation Ceremony
Tamu Samaj UK’s Post Lhochhar Party Meeting and Cultural Dance Team Appreciation Ceremony Tamu Samaj UK’s post Lhochhar party meeting and cultural dance team appreciation ceremony was held on 4th Feb 2017 at Northolt Community Hall. The meeting was welcomed and chaired by Arjun Kumar Gurung (President) and co-ordinated by Gyan Bahadur Gurung (General Secretary). …

Tamu Samaj UK donated 10 Lhakhs Rupees to Mrs Phul Maya Gurung (Kusum Gurung’s Mother)
Tamu Samaj UK donated 10 Lhakhs rupees to Mrs Phul Maya Gurung (Kusum Gurung’s Mother) Tamu Samaj UK is very pleased to inform you that following the overwhelming support and donation for the repatriation of Kusum Gurung, her body and the donation money have been brought to her family in Nepal. The amount of 10 …

तमु समाज युकेले लण्डनमा च्य (चरा बर्ग) ल्होछार/ल्होसार भब्य रुपमा मनायो।
Tamu Samaj UK Inaugurated Year of the Bird/ Chya Lhochhar Celebration on 7th Jan 2017 at Harrow Leisure centre, तमु समाज युकेले लण्डनमा च्य (चरा बर्ग) ल्होछार/ल्होसार भब्य रुपमा मनायो। निरज गुरुङ लण्डन, ८ जनवरी २०१७ लण्डन स्थित हेरो लेजर सेन्टरमा तमु समाज युके द्वारा आयोजित तमुहरुको महान पर्ब च्य ल्होछार कार्यक्रम भब्य रुपमा ७ जनवरि …

Tamu Dhee Nepal’s Open Road Race Competition sponsored by Tamu Samaj UK.
Tamu Dhee Nepal’s Open Road Race Competition sponsored by Tamu Samaj UK. Every year, Tamu Dhee Nepal hosts a week of programmes to celebrate the festive occasion of Lhochhar/Lhosar. Among the many events that are held during the week to mark the year of the bird (Chya Lhochhar/Lhosar), the most popular event is …