तमु समाज युकेद्धारा स्वर्गीय थम माया गुरुङ(कुसुम)को परिवारलाई १० लाख सहयोग हस्तान्तरण। हुम तमु बुटवल, १८ पुस बैदेशिक रोजगारीको क्रममा युकेमा क्यान्सरबाट पीडित भई मृत्यु भएकी थममाया गुरुङ(कुसुम)को परिवारलाई तमु समाज युकेद्धारा १० लाख ६ हजार १४० रुपैया हस्तान्तरण गरिएको छ । मंगलवार बुटवल नगरपालिका वडा नं. १३, देवीनगर, नरजय पथ स्थित स्वर्गीय थम माया …


  Congratulations to Mr Lekh Bahadur Gurung -Prsident Tanahun Samaj UK (Adviser Tamu Samaj UK) The President of Tamu Samaj UK and all it’s members would like to congratulate you on your recent success in being re-elected as the President of Tanahun Samaj UK. We commend your hard work and dedication to Tanahun Samaj UK. Additionally, you have also made a positive …


 Tamu Samaj UK supports drinking water project in Ghermu V.D.C Lamjung, Nepal. Article By Sanjay Gurung London:  We as an organisation have been supporting various rebuilding projects that are still ongoing in Nepal since the earthquake disaster. One of the projects that Tamu Samaj UK has provided financial help is the drinking water project in …


  देउसी भैलो खेलेर तमुसमाज यूकेले उठायो११हजार पाउन्ड। शिवशरण गुरुङ :लन्डन तमु समाज यूकेले विगत वर्षहरु झै यस पटक पनि २९र३० अक्टोबर (कुकर तिहार र लक्ष्मी पूजा) को दिन देउसी भैलो कार्यक्रम गरेकोछ। समाजले लन्डनमा सदस्य तथा शुभचिन्तक हरुको घर घर गई परम्परागत शैलीमा देउसी भैलो खेलेर वहुउद्देश्यीय सामाजिक भवन खरिद परियोजनाका निम्ति११हजार पाउन्ड भन्दा बढि …


NEPAL VISIT BY THE PRESIDENT OF TAMU SAMAJ UK ON OCTOBER 2016 The President of Tamu Samaj UK (TSUK), Mr. Arjun Kumar Gurung has recently visited to Nepal on October 2016. While in Nepal visit, he went to oversee the reconstruction project and officially opened the newly built school building of Gauri Shankar Middle School …


  TAMU SAMAJ UK HAS COMPLETED RECONSTRUCTION OF SCHOOL BUILDING IN DHADING.  Article by Sanjay Gurung : Following the earthquake disaster that occurred in Nepal on 2015, the country has been going through a huge rebuilding process. Donations and relief aid was given from across the world to support the victims of this natural disaster. …
